Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Slow good to see you.

A total of three posts last year and we're into the last day of Feb for two twelve. We'd be into March already but for a small glitch in the Gregorian calendar, shame we are not still using the Julian one cos it would only be the 16th of Feb and I'd look a lot cooler.

Something I've learnt about myself is, the busier I seem to be the more I contribute to thing I usually have no time for. Last year I completed a 365 day blog in which I was able to post a creative work daily without missing a single day. But if I was to write a simple list of things I have to do in the next month then I don't have the time to get half of it done.

At this exact moment in time I'm sitting at the keyboard and studying this weeks UNI readings, or I should be but I'm writing to this bloody blog which I just found sitting there waiting to be writ in.

Well I guess I'm going to so busy that I'll get a lot posted in the rabbits hole this year. lets prove that theory wrong and say no more about it.

Be human my pigeons


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I vaguely remember a blog I started, but then it just fades awaay

Monday, January 17, 2011

A little light

Hard to believe its been four years (15/01/07) since Maton left us and that would make it three and a half years since Oscar came into my world.

I thought of him yesterday and had a little cry to myself, but I just look at Occy and he makes me smile. So hard to juggle such differing emotions, it was harder a couple of years ago and I guess it will be easier in a couple more but its still not a feeling I like to experience too often.

In the four years since I had to say goodbye to Maton there have been wars fought, people lost in flood and fire, in earthquakes and other madness. I watch it on the news and get more desensitized by the day, but I cry for a little dog who loved me without prejudice or expectation. More people should try to be like dogs and I may just start to like them too.

Now go away and stop bothering me, bloody humans.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy new .............

Yep Yep Yep and welcome to the apology blog.

For some reason I can't just sit down and dash off a few words every couple of days for my legion of expectant minions, minions who hold their breath waiting for my next flurry of wise words. Unfortunately all those who held their breath are now dead from asphyxia. Ah well, (please see wanted ad for devoted followers, no experience) those not smart enuf to take a sneaky breath maybe shouldn't be part of my audience.

Do you know what the real funny thing is, well do you, huh, well I'll tells ya, for the past 72 consecutive days I've been cheating on you, I've been posting religiously of my other blog

So far I haven't missed a day all though its got real close to the deadline on several occasions so it proves I can actually follow through on stuff.

Anyway enuf of the confessional.

Stay human

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not gunna work is it.

We all know its true, its just not going to fly. I am mentally unable (or possibly unstable) to sit down and write a regular blog. So then why have I decided to start another one called Another day another dollar (find it here) and the amusing part is that it has to be posted to daily, as in every freakin day. So as with everything else in my life I'll apply the 'in denial' filter and whoosh there it goes, not a problem any more.

So back in the real world I have started to build a picket fence out the front of 'Crumbly Casa' AKA my house. Ill post the progress pictures as I go (you believe that do you)

Well here's a couple to get you started, Ugly Fish on the front porch and a part of the frontage after I started to rip out some bushage before I realized that I should take foto's.

And thats all your getting my fine feathered fiends.

Until next time


Friday, July 02, 2010

The naughty corner of the Australia

Hey humans,

I've been a bad rabbit. I was just so on form today, I had friends tell me enough and I was so proud of my achievement. I couldn't help it, every comment people came out with I had a really funny and oft derogatory comment that just went so well with it.

I gave it to the short, the smart, the tard, the pretty. god I was even self effacing. and it was funny even those who were angry at me had to laugh and that made them angrier at me and themselves for encouraging me and then I'd laugh and...

Earlier in the week I had one of the worst migraines that I have suffered in ten years, it knocked me rotten and I was worn out and dopey for a few days. (keep it nice, I do the funny stuff) then last night I slept the sleep of angels (not the motorcycle revving, screaming and yelling type sleep) the sleep of fat cherubs and clouds, the smell of sun warmed perfumed nubile.. sorry drifting here. the sleep of the just. And today I woke up a born again arshole.

If your looking for me, I'll be standing in the naughty corner.

Truly a great day.

Be human and I talk to you again.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Just for the sake of it

For no other reason, I'm gonna post something.

This has been a milestone week for me,
  • 1st post of 2010
  • 10 years at a company where I said "I'm only be here for 3 months" and a company that I repetedly say I'm outta here.
  • My best friends have been married for 21 years
No one has hit me or anything whilst I go about being angry and very yelly. and boy have I been a yelly person. TV annoys me, Newspapers annoy me, the blinked ignorance of management annoys me and children....

And you Humans, you all annoy me.


Friday, November 06, 2009

Consistancy, cant spell it cant do it.

I promise and promise but I just can't do it. You know I want to but its just not in me.
Another bunch of months has passed and I'm trying my best but blogging is hard I tells ya, damn hard.

I've even logged in and thought of some witty repartee, but shit it sounds pretentious and I scrub it. (thats because you matter to me, keepin it real my brothers) And now I know why.

Lilydale yes glorious Lilydale (not the arsehole of the universe, but you can see it from here Lilydale) Since I moved here everybody says oh you poor thing, so far away from everything, too far to visit, too far for you to come and see us. FOR FUCK SAKE its ten minutes from my old house and that was close enough. Its suburbism. Suburb bias. Lilydale is the pits, and we're not talking race car cool pits here, we are talking armpit greasy stagnant drippy hair laden pits.

I'm now a social outcast, a pariah. not quite Marina Pariah but still a pariah (how many puns can I fit in you ask) even though I josh through the tears I'm a broken man. My friends no longer invite me around, don't talk about me to their friends in case they find out, "he's from Lilydale" well I don't care any more, not fussed, not worried, not perturbed by the blinked pig ignorance of those from more affluent burbs. you can all go root a festering sock full of dog puss.

Well of course not ALL of you my dear friends, this rant does not reflect in any way my dearest, closest, bestest buddies who haven't forgotten me. I'll leave it to you to sort out who is in which camp and the rest of you, well start a rootin.

Human elsewhere, I'm not listening.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Ever Diminishing Circles.

Hey look at me, Not even six months have past and I'm writing again.

I made a promise to a close friend and also sometime blogger that I will contribute more frequently and she will do the same. I must admit that she has been writing far more often than I and to several different sites.

Now I cant add too much more to the house reno saga as we really haven't done much more, outside of living in our house and loving every moment of it. Sundays have been nicknamed the sunday sessions and we try to invite different friends up each week for a feast, a few drinks and the chance to save the worlds problems over the diner table.

Oscar the super pooch is as you can see taking everything in his stride and has not been stressed at anytime during the upheaval. Even though he gets his regular walks I don't think he gets enough exercise and can usually be found in a position like this. can anyone say animal cruelty

The next major task will be to organize the rear yard so that we have a small area to entertain over summer, eventually we want to put in a wood fired oved so we can do breads and pizza and roasts and stuff like that.

Shit this is starting to sound like a jolly nice little blog, not like me at all. well we also plan on putting in a killing room in the basement and I've already got rid of the welcome mat and have replaced it with a custom FUKOFF one.

Well toodles I have to go now.

Dont be strangers


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vote My dog

I'm now out for some shameless promotion for Oscar, wonderful dog 2.0 needs some help to get himself over the line.

For Oscar


Click here to vote for Oscar at

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Slowly Staggering

Ah Huh, its wonderful July and onto my second post of the year already.

The very fast 6 month update: we moved into the house in March, boy was it a trial to get it to an acceptable condition that I would be happy with.

We had to strip every inch of paint off the walls and ceilings, it was painted with a coating called calcimine. [Let me tell you about calcimine, it was made by the devil to slap a bit of color around Hades. Modern paints do not stick well to it and it doesn't stick well to the surfaces it was originally painted on, if you try to paint over the shit with a roller full of nice new paint you end up with a paint roller that looks like you rolled it into a bag of crisps. To remove calcimine from a wall, you scrap it off with a putty knife and it flakes off in small sheets or crisp confetti like pieces, once its all off, you then wash everything down by hand with bucket loads of warm industrial strength sugar soap and then wash that off with cool water. It took four days to remove it all from our timber slated plaster walls and 10 foot high ceilings, if you remember back in January we had a raft of 40 degree days and the worst bush fires in our brief history. those four days were the ones we chose to rid our house of Satan's wall paint]

After removal of said calcimine we then filled and sanded all the nice clean surfaces which made our bare timber floors into a thick gelatinous primordial pink brown ooze of flaked paint, plaster dust and fed with bucket upon bucket of water, once that had dried during the heat wave, also became painful to remove.

That was the worst of the work, we then had the chance to get creative all over our houses arse. we ripped out a wall from the second bedroom and made it open into the old kitchen which is now the new lounge room because I needed to use the old lounge room as the main bedroom, stay with me it is very usable now. then after all the prep work was done, everything got painted in three tones of the same color paint, carpet was laid nearly everywhere and new light fittings started to appear.

As I said we moved in in eary March, but sadly there is still much to do but most of it will have to wait untill the piggybank is not so annerexic and I regain the will to DIY.

Oscar the wonderdog will have been with us for two years later this week and is still going great, he adapted to the move like a champion and didn't even think about giving it his own little cosmetic touches (oh you know what I mean, piss all over the place to mark his teritory) I still tear up for Matey but I dont think that will ever change and it certainly doesn't take anything from how I feel about Oscy.

Thats all I'm squeezing out for you all today but I will be back so soon you'll think its the same post.

Be human somewhere and leave me out of it.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Off and Running

WooHoo, just look at me now, its only the first week of Jan and I'm Blogging.

Starting this week I'm no longer going to be the angry man, for me its a life of optimism and gaiety. Well we'll give it a good week and take it from there, not that I think a week of niceness will be hard but times are tuff and stressful and I don't want to disappoint anyone by setting the bar to high.

I'm looking forward to moving into me new house, although I do think we might have bought the wrong one. But we have cans of brand new free paint and lots of ideas for the garden/outdoor areas and I'm going to experiment with a hydroponic setup for herbs and leafy edible things, so a truly wonderful time is just ahead.

Living at home with a (how shall I say this)  elderly parent can be testing, but being the new me I'm on best behaviour. Usually I just scream and rant and cause a scene, but now I'm all light and sweetness and I can see that evil witch of a mother of mine for who she really is, its been her all along, I'm not a bad son its her I tells ya. I do very love her, but its only the fear of a new best friend in the same cell as me called bubba that stops me wacking the old dame and claiming my inherentance. (just kidding, tra la la la la, all light and sweetness)

OK I can't be spoiling you all with all this verbage and insight so its time to put keyboard to bed and say,

Catch ya Humans.
